20 1 Odds Meaning

Learner's definition of ODDS

Latest Odds for all the runners in 2021 Grand National. Easy to read odds guide to the all horses running in this year's race. This topic covers odds including odds against winning or the odds on to win. Bookmakers ToolAs such, SBD’s list of leading web pages is revisited and re-ranked frequently - our mission to come across the excellent sportsbook for all types of bettors is never. Each way betting or also known as EW betting is a form of insurance betting. Essentially 2 separate bets are made for football or horse racing bets.

:the possibility that something will happen:the chance that one thing will happen instead of a different thing
  • She wanted to improve her odds [=chances] of winning.
  • They believe that surgery may increase his odds of survival. [=may make it more likely that he will survive]
  • There's a chance it could rain, but odds are that it'll be sunny tomorrow. [=it is more likely to be sunny than rainy tomorrow]
  • The team has made some major improvements, but they still face long odds. [=they still are not likely to win]
often used with the

20 1 Odds Meaning

  • The odds are good that he'll survive. [=he is likely to survive]
  • What are the odds that they'll be there on time?
  • Smoking increases the odds of getting lung cancer.
  • The odds are in our favor. [=it is likely that we will succeed]
  • She knew that the odds were against her. [=she knew that she was not likely to succeed]
  • It could rain tomorrow, but the odds are against it. [=it probably will not rain]
  • The odds are in favor of a major storm this weekend. [=a major storm is likely this weekend]
2 :conditions that make it difficult for something to happen
  • They fought against great/heavy/impossible/overwhelming odds and won.
  • He was able to do it, against all odds. [=even though it was very difficult and unlikely]
often used with the
  • Despite/against the odds, she has survived breast cancer.
  • I tried to beat the odds. [=to succeed even though I was not likely to succeed]
3 :two numbers that show how much a person can win by betting a certain amount of money
  • I bet $1,000 at 4–1 odds. If the horse I bet on wins, I will walk away with $4,000.
:not agreeing with each other:in a state of disagreementOdds
  • The parents and teachers are still at odds (about/over what to teach the students).
often + with

20 1 Odds Meaning Dictionary

  • The two groups have long been at odds with each other.
  • He was completely at odds [=he completely disagreed] with the way the problem was being handled.
  • The results of the study are at odds with our previous findings.
used to say that a choice is not important
  • It makes no odds [=makes no difference] to me when we leave.
see 1favor
:more than the usual or expected amount
  • We had to pay over the odds to get good seats for the concert.
used to say that something is not likely to have an effect or make a difference
  • He'll do it anyway, so what's the odds [=what's the use] of telling him not to?

Examples of Against All Odds in a Sentence

  1. Emeasoba George:

    What it means to be unyielding is just the ability to go extra mile when you've got to & a decision never to quit even against all odds. Are you unyielding or not?

  2. Gilles Peress:

    They were the only ones who stayed, they were the only ones who tried to get in. They were the only ones who didn't run away. ... And they were doing it clearly against all odds. It was a desperate situation but they were there.

  3. Paul Meanwhile:

    Against all odds, tonight, liberty beat four sitting governors from the established government.

  4. Mike Pompeo:

    The President lowered the temperature and, against all odds, got North Korean leadership to the table.

  5. Emeasoba George:

    Disparity between a dream and a vision. A dream induces an expectation. But, a vision endows a provision. Moreover, a dream could be ordinary and extraordinary too. Meanwhile, an ordinary dream is synonymous with an ambition which often doesn't emerge a reality. But, on the other hand, extraordinary dream is divine or rather it comes from God. That's why most times it turns out to become a reality. Besides that, a vision could also be ordinary and extraordinary too. However, an ordinary vision is a mental picture of what the future could be or would look like. And like an ordinary dream, most times it ends up unrealized. Whereas, an extraordinary vision is of God. I mean, it originates or emanates from God and it is ever meant for an appointed time. As a matter of fact, it must come to pass even against all odds. SCRIPTURE REFERENCE (HABAKUK 2 : 3).